James F. Byrnes High School SC-932

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Cadet Officer Leadership School (COLS)—Newberry SC COLS

8-13 Jun 2009

What a great experience! SC-932 was invited to attend the Newberry COLS with basic cadet positions. We took 13 cadets and four instructors to the school and were immediately welcomed. This school was an amazing experience for our cadets and instructors—LEADERSHIP education was the mantra. COLS focused on cadet leadership, academics, and teamwork. Our cadets assimilated very well and SC-932 received several awards:

Outstanding Cadets: The male and female cadet with the highest total score was named the Outstanding Cadets of the leadership school and was awarded the Outstanding Cadet Medal and the AFJROTC Outstanding Cadet Ribbon.

The COLS Number One Cadet: Sarah Sill
Sarah will return as the 2010 COLS Cadet Group Commander (highest Cadet Leadership Position).

Flight Superior Performer: A cadet from each flight with the highest overall score was designated as the Superior Performer within their flight. The AFJROTC Superior Performance Ribbon was awarded to each of these cadets.

C-Flight Outstanding Cadet: Avery Jolly
E-Flight Outstanding Cadet: Caleb Cooke

Best Flight: The Flight with the highest overall score was named the Outstanding Flight of the Leadership School. Each member of the flight was awarded the AFJROTC Outstanding Flight Ribbon.

G-FlightSarah Sill
Timothy Waugh

Best in Individual Drill: The cadet who scores the highest in individual drill will receive the AFJROTC Drill Competition Ribbon and a trophy/plaque for Best in Individual Drill.

Drill Evaluation 1st Place: Sarah Sill
Drill Evaluation 2nd Place: Jennifer Lopez

AFJROTC Leadership School Ribbon: Each cadet who attended COLS will be awarded the AFJROTC Leadership School Ribbon and a Certificate of Completion.

Alonzo Atkins Alpha Flight
Bruce Chumley Delta Flight
Caleb Cooke Echo Flight
Ashley Cross Bravo Flight
John Deas Foxtrot Flight
Kendra Dunnaway Foxtrot Flight
Jade Kelley Delta Flight
Avery Jolly Charlie Flight
Wesley Kennedy Bravo Flight
Jennifer Lopez Alpha Flight
Aaron Pridemore Foxtrot Flight
Sarah Sill Golf Flight (Outstanding Flight) (Volleyball Champions)
Timothy Waugh Golf Flight (Outstanding Flight) (Volleyball Champions)

Storm Worriax attended the first two days; however an injury prevented completion of the school.