James F. Byrnes High School SC-932

Monday, December 13, 2010

Going For The Gold (Award That Is)!

Averi Jolly has been an active Girl Scout for ten years and in October 2010, she was awarded the prestigious “Gold Award” which is the highest award given in Girl Scouts. For her project, “Sowing the Seeds of Love”, Averi built a raised bed garden at McCarthy Teszler School. Averi’s older sister attends the school which serves special needs students. The garden she designed helps special needs children learn about nature and allows wheelchair bound students the opportunity to get their hands dirty planting fruits and vegetables, watching them grow and then harvesting them. Averi raised $1,900.00 for the project and after purchasing supplies was able to donate the remaining $500.00 towards the purchase of seeds and upkeep. She spent close to 74 hours designing, building, and overseeing the completion of the project. Averi feels empowered to make a difference in the world after seeing the children at McCarthy Teszler enjoy watching the garden being built and knowing what they have to look forward to. The overwhelming success of this project of love has inspired her to do more. Throughout the project Averi has developed a stronger sense of self, she has improved her critical thinking, and continued to strengthen a healthy relationship within her community.

Great job Averi!