James F. Byrnes High School SC-932

Friday, March 30, 2012

CIA Trip "Air meets Sea" Norfolk, VA

This years Curriculum-in-Action trip is to Norfolk, Virginia. Departure time from Byrnes High School is 1200, Wednesday April 25th. The bus will then proceed to BFA to pick up cadets at that location. Departure from BFA is 1230. Cadets will return from the trip at approximately 1600, Sunday, April 29th. The cost is $200. Cadets will need to bring at least $25 dollars for some food expenses.

Where: Norfolk, VA
When: April 25th - 29th
Cost: $200.00
Tickets go on sale for Seniors on April 10th and for Freshman April 11th.
POC: Lt Col John Arias, john.arias@spart5.net

This years attractions will be; the USS Buttercup Damage Control Trainer, Oceana F-18 Fighter Squadron Tour, American Rover Sailing Ship, USS Wisconsin tour, Norfolk Nauticus, Virginia International Tattoo Military/Non-Military Drill and Ceremonies, Challenge Discovery Ropes Course, and Game Show/Dinner/Dancing night.

In order to attend this trip cadets must return ALL permission slips signed by a parent or guardian. If parents have any questions regarding any of the events taken place, they are welcome to come and attend the CIA Parent meeting at 1700 (5:00PM) on Wednesday, April 13th.